Welcome to our quiz on Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) and breast cancer.

This quiz is designed to help you understand the connection between NF1 and the increased risk of breast cancer. The most important thing you can do is know what is normal for you. Whether you’re here to learn more for yourself, a loved one, or just to expand your knowledge, this quiz will guide you through key facts and offer valuable insights.

NF1 and breast cancer Quiz

1 / 11

Having NF1 means I have an increased risk of breast cancer compared to the rest of the general population.

2 / 11

I’m too young to worry about breast cancer, I only need to think about it when I am 50+.

3 / 11

Even if I have NF1, I have to wait until I’m 50 to be invited for a routine mammogram.

4 / 11

I should avoid getting mammograms because of the increased risk of cancer from radiation.

5 / 11

I should check my breasts for lumps and changes once a month.

6 / 11

I’m really scared to check my breasts in case I find something so it’s best not to know

7 / 11

I should get any new lump or change in my breast checked by a medical professional.

8 / 11

It’s important to get any lumps or changes checked as soon as you find them.

9 / 11

Any new lumps or changes to my breast mean I have cancer.

10 / 11

I only need to check my breasts for lumps or changes.

11 / 11

Everyone’s breasts are different.

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The average score is 87%
